Meet Us at Gazala’s

meet us at gazalas Email 1 e1633707876779

6:30 pm-8:00 pm

Gazala's Restaurant | 447 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10024

Join American Friends of University of Haifa for an in-person monthly get together to discuss all things Haifa over hummus, falafel and good company. Feel free to join one, two or all three meet-ups in 2021!

All events will take place at Gazala’s Restaurant in New York City. Gazala’s is helmed by Gazala Halabi who celebrates her heritage as an Israeli Druze through her cooking. Gazala’s fondest memories in life have come from her upbringing near Haifa, in Daliat el-Carmel, and her time at University of Haifa.

We hope you can join us for this special evening!

Registration for each event is $18. Light fare is provided.