Using the Internet for Good: How We Can Harness the Power of the Internet to Facilitate Mental Health

7:00 pm-9:00 pm

The private Newton, MA home of Dr. Lillian Sober Ain
Address provided upon RSVP


Technology, smartphones, and social media are commonly viewed as partially responsible for the deterioration of mental health. However as with any technology, the same aspects of the internet that might cause harm can also be potentially used for good, and specifically can be used to alleviate symptoms of mental disorders. Dr. Aderka’s research lab in Haifa has been working to provide mental health interventions through the internet using text-based communication. Specifically, clients use the online interface to receive validated information about their conditions provided by licensed psychologists. Join us for a discussion on the potential of Internet-delivered psychotherapy.

Please RSVP by February 21st to [email protected].


DR. IDAN M. ADERKA is Head of the Psychopathology and Treatment Processes Lab and CBT Practicum Supervisor at University of Haifa. His lab focuses on psychopathology and treatment of anxiety disorders, how it changes during treatment, and understanding and predicting attrition from treatment. Dr. Aderka has a special research interest in how change occurs for patients during psychotherapy conducted in both face-to-face and internet-delivered formats.

Dr. Aderka earned his Bachelor’s degree from Tel Aviv University, his Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Ben Gurion University, and his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Bar-Ilan University. Dr. Aderka undertook his post-doctoral research at Boston University. His work has been published dozens of times in publications such as the Journal of Clinical Psychological Science and the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, among others.